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Our Family Run Escape Experience

The Journey

Where It All Began 

Father’s day has always been a hard one in our house. How do you buy something for a someone bizarre enough to build amphibious boats? A wacky mind required an equally unusual present, and this is where our journey began.

My Sister (Amelia) and I decided on an escape room. We could prove how much smarter we were than Dad (Graham), plus an added bonus it prevented my sister from checking Instagram for a whole hour! We ventured into London to room based in a bar… a four-person pop-up escape room. As the anticipation built so did the nerves, what are we getting ourselves into? What if we’re rubbish? What happens if we can’t solve anything? Will there be wifi?

Upon our arrival we were greeted with a warm smile, our host put our minds at rest and explained the do’s and don’ts of escape experiences. We were off! With every puzzle completed, secret discovered and riddle solved there was a mini celebration but often cut short with the realisation time was running out!

We escaped and we were hooked! Over the next few months we tackled numerous escape rooms around London & Reading with varied success. As the season with Windsor Duck Tours started to slow, more time came available to us, and the idea of starting an escape room became less of a dream and more of a reality. The next piece of the puzzle fell into place when we found our new home under the arches in Windsor.

Design & Build

The next obvious step was to design and build our very own rooms, but first we had to decide what “type” of escape room we would like to be. By type, we mean puzzle complexity, overall aesthetics, and the technology involved in each room.

Puzzle complexity: We LOVE creating weird and wacky puzzles for our guests to decipher, and feel we have reached the correct balance between originality complexity and most importantly, reward!

Aesthetics: Having completed various rooms we decided that if you really want to have an immersive experience you need to feel like you’re there, so we’ve done our best to make the rooms look and feel believable.  

Technology: Well, this was more a case of how much technology should we allow Graham to put in! As a certified big kid it’s hard to stop him sometimes.

So that’s it then? All we had to was build 13 walls and a few escape rooms and Bob’s your uncle…. It wasn’t quite that easy, but our team pulled together and we did it! We have now opened our first ever rooms “Area 51” & “Crown Jewel Heist”. After almost 6 fully booked weekends, what’s even more amazing is our guests seem to enjoy playing the rooms as much as we loved building them, and that’s a great feeling.  Check out our TripAdvisor 

We look forward to seeing you soon!